the seasonal blogs from 2006 to 2009

---------spring ----------------summer--------------autumn-----------winter -------

2006 2007 20082006 2007 2008 20092006 2007 20082006 2007 2008
from Sep'2009 permanent website @ The Four Seasons of Haiku
your voice
a quiet whisper
and once again
the whole world
is spring

Modern English Tanka V3 No2 Winter 2008


David said...

This is great!

nora said...

I agree with David. beautiful.

Paul Smith said...

Thank you David & Nora, I am happy that it spoke!

John McDonald said...

great one paul

diana l. said...

I love the last 3 lines. The feeling reminds me of many e.e. cummings poems.

Pan Haiku Review said...

That's a really nice third line to bring us into the second part of the tanka.

I'm really looking forward to a tanka collection from you.

all my best,

The With Words Competition 2009


Yansidara said...

beautiful. very evocative.

Paul Smith said...

John, Diana, Alan, Yansidara, Thank you all for your kind comments, I am touched.

Alan as soon as I get around to compiling a collection you'll be the first to know. You are an ever present encouragement. Thank you.