the seasonal blogs from 2006 to 2009

---------spring ----------------summer--------------autumn-----------winter -------

2006 2007 20082006 2007 2008 20092006 2007 20082006 2007 2008
from Sep'2009 permanent website @ The Four Seasons of Haiku
morning walk
first rosebud of the season
grass glistens with dew

morning drive
birdsong pours through the windows
withered azaleas

plant parking lot
birds bathing in puddles
grass sprouting in cracks


Pan Haiku Review said...
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Pan Haiku Review said...

That second poem has a lot of atmosphere!

The middle line is a bit too long though. Could you consider losing part of the writing...

morning drive
birdsong pours through
the windows


withered azaleas
birdsong pours through
the windows

all my best,

The With Words Competition 2009.

diana l. said...

Very nice. Ah, the antidote that is nature.

Reihaisha said...

Alan - i like your rewrite but I need the time stamp to capture the time of day and place