the seasonal blogs from 2006 to 2009

---------spring ----------------summer--------------autumn-----------winter -------

2006 2007 20082006 2007 2008 20092006 2007 20082006 2007 2008
from Sep'2009 permanent website @ The Four Seasons of Haiku

Spring Equinox

dead tree

a Woodpecker knocking

at the door

Green Woodpecker by julia_at_flickr's


John McDonald said...

nice one David

diana l. said...

I love it! No "beating around the bush" with this one. (Sorry, I couldn't resist...)

Pan Haiku Review said...

Subtly powerful.

I don't know if you need 'on the'.

dead tree
a Woodpecker knocking
at the door


David said...

Thanks for this Alan. I don't need the extra words.